dreams · Thoughts · work

First Day of Work Anxiety

Hi all, I’m starting my new job tomorrow and have been feeling the nerves all day. I guess I’m nervous about meeting new people, spending most of my day with these people (what if they’re not nice!?) and in a new environment that’s drastically different from that of my previous workplace.

I’m also worried about the new job scope, which is something that I’m not trained for yet, and so I’m worried that I won’t do well or might screw up something.

Well, I’m sure I’ll be trained and supervised before I start on the actual work, and I’ve heard that the people there are pretty nice. Even if not, it’ll be a good mental and emotional practice for myself in helping me to grow. And on the bright side, I live really near this new workplace of mine, so I can have more free time to myself instead of spending it on travelling to and from work!

Despite all the self-convincing that there’s nothing much to worry about (the worst that could happen is I break down or get fired but I can just take that experience and grow or find somewhere else to work!), I still might not have a smooth sleep tonight. In fact, the night before I dreamt that I went back to my previous workplace only to see my desk and work taken over and me not being needed anymore. I guess my previous workplace was really comfortable, and part of me wants to go back to that state. But growth only comes after pushing out of your comfort zone. And I have a feeling that I’ll be learning a lot at this next job of mine. So all the best to myself, and to everyone else who is pushing themselves doing uncomfortable things!

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