Food · Japan · Osaka · Tonkatsu

Japan Day 4: Osaka (Universal Studios Japan)

Our last day in Osaka. We went to USJ! The weather was not too cold nor hot, and it didn’t rain at all, which was perfect!I love the atmosphere in all the universal studios. They make me feel free and happy lol.Queued for jaws ride! The guide was super duper entertaining and good at acting,… Continue reading Japan Day 4: Osaka (Universal Studios Japan)

Food · Japan · Osaka · Thoughts · Travel · Tsukemen

Japan Day 3: Osaka (Street food)

Our third day in Japan! This is what we ate for breakfast!First errand of the day was to go to a post office half an hour away to collect our wifi device. They couldn’t give it to me because my name isn’t registered in the house…so they told me they would redeliver it again today… Continue reading Japan Day 3: Osaka (Street food)

Food · Japan · Kushikatsu · Osaka · Thoughts

Japan Day 2: Osaka (Osaka castle, Ichiran ramen, Umeda sky building)

Our breakfast for today! I usually have yogurt, vitamin C drink and either sea chicken onigiri (aka tuna onigiri lol no idea why they call it sea chicken) or melon bread! Went skating around Osaka today. It was quite tiring but I had loads of fun! Some random traditional looking place on the way to… Continue reading Japan Day 2: Osaka (Osaka castle, Ichiran ramen, Umeda sky building)